The Problem I Have with Women’s Ministries 

*Beware of the generalizations I will make. I am aware that not every women’s ministry is like this and that there are many great ones led by godly women, but here are some issues I have with a majority of them. 

Women’s ministries are fantastic at building your self esteem, which is important, but not to the point where you get an overfed ego. If you are constantly hearing how wonderful and awesome you are, why do you need a Savior? You can save yourself, right? While I am all for women building up women, I feel that it should always be done in a way that points the glory back to the Father. 

Women’s ministries are also really great at skimming over large passages of scripture. While it is great to read scripture, some ministries (remember not all) have a tendency to not really dig into the meat of scripture. To examine and interpret small sections at a time to get true meaning instead of face value. I’ve just noticed from Women’s Chapels at my University that that is what usually happens. We will read a chunk of scripture and only scrape at the surface. I don’t know about you, but I would love smaller sections that we could really be fed with. 

If I hear another lesson on the Proverbs 31 woman I will scream. Arguably, the most talked about woman in any Women’s ministry ever. Maybe second to Esther. I understand she’s important but you can only say so much about one woman. 

I know for a fact that there are many great speakers, conferences, and ministries out there for women but here was just me expressing my complaints about some overarching themes in the stereotypical women’s ministry. 

Until next time!


(Feel free to check out my bio and follow me on my social media links!) 

5 thoughts on “The Problem I Have with Women’s Ministries 

  1. Laura says:

    I agree. Thanks for speaking out. You’d appreciate the article I link to in this post:
    “This year I realized the prophetic impotence of self-help messages. Encouragement does have its place, but as I considered the state of women’s ministry and the disciples we were making, I realized something: knowing you are “beautiful” will not embolden you to acts of true courage….”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. pennytwain says:

    I’m not a big fan of most women’s ministries, but for different reasons than you listed, because my experiences have been different. I, too, though, prefer to be fed by depth. But there is something beautiful in the Proverbs 31 passage that most miss, and I find it extremely beautiful, because it’s not about women at all. I may just have to blog about that. 😁


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